Dr. Joyce Lum, Ph.D
TEACCHシャーロットセンター クリニカルディレクター(所長)・認定心理士
Clinical Director, TEACCH Charlotte Center / Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Lum is currently the Clinical Director of the TEACCH Charlotte Center, one of the 7 regional centers in North Carolina. She holds her Ph.D in Child Clinical Psychology and completed her internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill where she worked with Dr. Eric Schopler, founder of TEACCH, and Dr. Gary Mesibov, former Director of the TEACCH Autism Program. Dr. Lum is a Clinical Director for national and international training and this is her fourth visit to Japan.
As role as the Director of a regional TEACCH clinic, she provides direct and consultative services for individuals with autism, their families, and professionals working with individuals within the autism spectrum disorders. Clinic services include individual diagnostic and educational assessment; treatment sessions; parent teaching sessions; social skills groups for children, adolescents, and adults; consultation to programs serving children, adolescents, and adults with autism; gathering research data for TEACCH and Autism Research Registry; participation in TEACCH research projects; regional, national, and international training in autism for parents and professionals.

Ms.Ruth Fuller
TEACCHシャーロットセンター クリニカルスーパーバイザー
Clinical Supervisor, TEACCH Charlotte Center
Ruth is the Clinical Supervisor at the TEACCH Charlotte Center. She received her education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Psychology. Her background is in psychology and education and has worked in the autism field as a teacher and therapist. She has over 30 years of experience working with individuals with autism.
Ruth has consulted, lectured and provided hands on training experiences for parents and professionals working with individuals with autism throughout the United States and internationally. This is Ruth’s third visit to Japan